Platelet Rich Plasma may be right for you


What is PRP?

PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma - a segment of your blood that is used for arthritis, tendonitis and bursitis.

Many people can benefit from PRP injections including those with moderate to severe arthritis, chronic bursitis or tendonitis. Have you tried steroid injections and not obtained relief? Or concerned about the long term effects of steroids? PRP may be right for you.

Is PRP safe?

Yes! In order to obtain PRP, we obtain a small portion of your blood, then isolate the platelets - the healing portion of the blood - and inject this portion into your affected area.

PRP also has the benefit of being very low risk to the tissue long term.


Is PRP effective for pain?

Yes. Studies have proven the benefit of PRP in many patients:

PRP for knee pain

PRP for shoulder pain

I have successfully performed PRP injections for knee arthritis, hip pain, shoulder pain, bursitis and many other common complaints.

I would recommend a consultation to first determine the cause of your pain and see if PRP is the right option for you.

*Please note we are not able to provide PRP injection for back or neck pain

Cost of PRP


PRP options vary and we recommend a new patient consultation to customize a treatment plan for you. Multiple PRP injections can be done at the same visit, if needed.


PRP consultation

History, exam and review of any imaging - $250

PRP joint or soft tissue injection
