Enduring Health - laboratory analysis

  • Cardiovascular risk assessment

    Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the western world, particularly in the US. Through a series of specific tests, our Enduring Health program can identify risk factors, offer scientifically-proven methods to reduce cardiovascular risk and track these measures long-term.

  • Dementia risk

    Not only are our bodies important to maintain, but our minds are as well. Advanced genetic testing is available in our program to identify risks for dementia and we can make a plan to reduce those risks to keep your mind young and sharp as you age.

  • Hormones

    Male and female hormones are an integral part of how our bodies and minds thrive. Tracking hormone levels and correcting imbalances are a key part of our healthspan program to keep our hearts, minds and bodies functioning at an elite level.

  • Inflammation

    Inflammation is present for many reasons and our Enduring Health program is able to evaluate for inflammation in specific ways to ensure we figure out why the inflammation is present and how to fix it. Improving inflammation levels improves many aspects of health such as metabolism, cardiovascular risk, hormones and sleep.

  • Metabolism

    Many factors impact our metabolism such as inflammation, skeletal muscle mass, percent body fat, nutrition, genetics and medications. Our program has specific ways to identify how your metabolism is working and offer ways to improve the efficiency of your metabolism.

  • Vitamin levels

    Our nutrition is a critical tool to fuel our bodies, so we believe in evaluating for adequate levels of the most critical vitamins to keep us healthy, happy and enjoying life to the fullest. Our program focuses on macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate), as well as nutritional micronutrients (vitamins) to ensure your body has everything it needs.